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About Molly B. Miranda

Hello, my name is Claire, and I’m addicted to houseplants! I’ve learned a lot of valuable information, so I created this site to share it with you, so you can grow healthy and vibrant plants as well.

The Plant-Crazy Generation: Why Millennials are Leading the Houseplant Trend

2024-01-23T09:55:41+00:00Houseplants for Beginners, Houseplant Basics|

Houseplant Trend Houseplants aren’t a new concept. In fact, humans have kept plants and trees in pots for thousands of years, dating back to the hanging gardens of Babylon! [...]

Squealing Houseplants? New Research Suggests So!

2024-09-17T11:12:25+00:00Houseplant Basics, Houseplants for Beginners|

Squealing Houseplants? New Research Suggests So! All houseplant owners (especially the self-proclaimed “black thumbs”) know that plants show plenty of signs to let us know they’re stressed.  Our houseplants might [...]

Rose of Jericho Care: What to Do if it Won’t Come Back to Life

2024-09-16T09:15:51+00:00Treating Houseplant Problems, Houseplant Basics|

Rose of Jericho is a fascinating plant. Watching them open and come back to life feels like magic!  However, while Rose of Jericho care is pretty simple, you may also [...]


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