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Houseplant Basics

Explore essential houseplant basics care tips and guides. From watering to light, master the basics for healthy, thriving indoor plants.

Rose of Jericho Care: What to Do if it Won’t Come Back to Life

2024-09-16T09:15:51+00:00Treating Houseplant Problems, Houseplant Basics|

Rose of Jericho is a fascinating plant. Watching them open and come back to life feels like magic!  However, while Rose of Jericho care is pretty simple, you may also [...]

Black Thumb No More: What to Do When Your Houseplants Start Dropping Leaves

2024-01-23T06:38:15+00:00Houseplants for Beginners, Houseplant Basics|

What to Do When Your Houseplants Are Dropping Leaves Beginning plant parents often panic when their plants start browning or losing leaves, and if they don’t properly understand the problem, [...]


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