Philodendron Varieties

Philodendron varieties are some of the easiest, fastest-growing houseplants out there! Its easy going nature, ease of propagation, and whimsical beauty makes the philodendron one of the best houseplants for beginners.

There are many different kinds of philodendrons, and some may appeal to you more than others. Some varieties are common in stores, making them easy (and inexpensive) to add to your houseplant collection. Other varieties are a bit trickier to find and therefore more appropriate for more seasoned, serious houseplant collectors.

There are over 450 varieties of philodendron in the world, but let’s take a look at some of the more common philodendron varieties as well as some that are harder to find so you can decide which variety (or varieties, if you’re ambitious!) are right for you!

Before we jump into the list, know that there are two main types of philodendron: trailing types and upright types. Trailing philodendrons are vining plants and tend to be what we normally consider philodendrons, climbing walls or trellises or trailing out of pots and hanging baskets. Some upright philodendrons can still climb up a moss pole, but they don’t vine and are typically a lot larger. Many also have lobed, or split leaves. Cool!

Philodendron hederaceum (Heartleaf Philodendron)

This is the most common type of philodendron you’ll see at the garden store. You’ll probably recognize its deep-green, heart-shaped leaves and long vines. If you’re ready to try your first philodendron, this is a great choice!

Philodendron domesticum (Elephant Ear Philodendron)

This upright philodendron has large, shiny, dramatically heart-shaped leaves that start out as grayish but then become more silvery-green as the leaves mature. If you want an impressive floor plant that’s easy to care for and adds an unusual color to your space, look no further!

Philodendron “Moonlight”

This short, shrubby philodendron is a cultivar of the heartleaf, but instead of deep-green, the leaves are a bold lime-green color! The shiny leaves are also much more elongated and arrow-shaped than the typical heart shape of vining philodendrons. New leaves are bright yellow and turn bright green as they mature. It’s one of my personal favorites!

Philodendron Brazil

Another popular cultivar of the heartleaf, this variegated philodendron is fairly grower-friendly and a great way to start getting into variegated plants. The heart-shaped leaves are deep-green with lime-green splashes and sometimes yellow streaks. It’s very easy to maintain, but make sure to give it plenty of bright, indirect light for maximum variegation!

Philodendron White knight

This rare (and pricey) variety shows off very dark-green leaves with bold blocks of white or green. It even has purple stems!

This plant grows slowly, but it will climb a trellis beautifully and reward you with lots of spectacularly variegated leaves if you give it plenty of bright, indirect light. (That is, if you can find one!)

Philodendron hederaceum micans (Velvet-Leaf Philodendron)

Also called philodendron micans, this variety is one of many cultivars of the heart-leaf philodendron. It looks very similar except for the tiny “hairs” that give the leaves a velvety texture. These surprisingly colorful and almost iridescent leaves are dark green with lighter veins on top and unexpected, rusty-orange undersides.

This trailing philodendron is easy to care for and looks beautiful in hanging baskets. It’s also fairly easy to find, so it’s a great way to add a different texture to your indoor garden.

Philodendron bipinnatifidum (Split-Leaf Philodendron)

Not to be confused with monstera deliciosa (which is often mistakenly called a split-leaf philodendron), this large variety grows upright and has large “lobed” leaves that are slightly ruffled. This variety grows a bit slower than the smaller, trailing varieties, but it can grow quite large and make a bold statement in any space!

This species likes a bit more humidity than other philodendrons, but otherwise, it is easy to care for.

Philodendron erubescens (Pink Princess)

If you’re falling in love with variegated plants, you’ll love this: this heart-leaf cultivar is variegated with dark-green and black leaves and splashes of bright pink and red. It’s beautiful!

Also called the blushing or red-leaf philodendron, this variety is a little more delicate than other philodendrons. Make sure to provide lots of bright, indirect light to maintain the colors, and whatever you do, do NOT let this variety get cold. Keep well away from drafts and vents, and make sure to water with room-temperature water, not cold.

Other than that, this member of the philodendron family is fairly easy to maintain and will reward you with lots of spectacular leaves for very little work!

Philodendron grazielae

This unusual philodendron sports shiny, rounded, heart-shaped leaves that look like cute little valentines. This short, sturdy variety grows more slowly than other philodendrons and will need some kind of support to keep it upright as it grows. Make sure to keep it away from drafts! Overall, this is an easy-to-care for, adorable plant that will always put a smile on your face.

Philodendron gloriosum

This beautiful philodendron variety makes a stunning floor plant with its large, deep-green leaves with contrasting white veins. New leaves often have light-pink veins that turn white as the leaves grow. This plant grows slowly, but it can reach 3 feet in height and grow to several feet wide. Make sure to keep it well away from drafts. This is one of our favorite philodendron varieties!

Philodendron Care

As a general rule, philodendrons are easy to care for. Make sure their pots and soil drain well and water when the top few inches of soil are dry. Place in bright, indirect sunlight for maximum variegation, though non-variegated varieties are happy in lower light as well. Keep away from drafts and use room-temperature water, and feed regularly with Phildendron Plant Food to provide nutrients to support growth and color.

Most philodendron varieties are also easy to propagate from cuttings, but a little Propagation Promoter can help your cuttings grow strong, healthy roots in no time!

Don’t miss our guide on philodendron care. You’ll be a philodendron freak in no time!