What is a Zig Zag Cactus?

The funky Zig Zag cactus gets its name from its Zig Zagging, flattened stems that grow in an eye-catching pattern. But caring for this plant can be tricky if you’re not sure where to start. Luckily, we have an easy-to-follow Zig Zag cactus care guide to help you keep your cactus thriving and healthy. First, let’s learn a little more about the Zig Zag cactus!

Zig Zag Cactus History

The Fishbone Cactus has been around for centuries and is native to Central and South America, where it grows in tropical rainforests. In its natural habitat, this plant does not grow in the ground—it grows at the top of the rainforest trees, and grows aerial roots to latch on to the tree and spread farther along the branches.

It was first discovered by botanist Adrian Hardy Haworth in 1829 who named it Epiphyllum anguliger. In recent years, the cactus has gained popularity as a houseplant due to its unique shape and relatively easy maintenance, and the beautiful blooms it produces is a huge bonus!

Zig Zag Cactus Care Guide

One of the best things about caring for a Zig Zag cactus is that it’s relatively easy compared to other types of plants. As long as the plant’s basic needs are met, it remains fairly resistant to pests and diseases, and will happily grow into its full-grown size at around 2-3 feet wide.

For Cactus Lovers! Here is an easy-to-follow Zig Zag cactus care guide to help you keep your cactus thriving and healthy.


Unlike other cacti, the Zig Zag Cactus prefers to have consistent watering rather than dry conditions. Since this plant is native to more tropical areas, they don’t survive well in drought-like conditions. With that being said, if you forget about your plant for a couple weeks (we’ve all done it!), it will still survive. Just give it a good watering when you do remember.

Overwatering can cause root rot and eventually kill the plant, so make sure to let the top inch or two of soil dry out before watering again. This will prevent water from sitting in the soil and causing damage to the roots.

When it’s time to water your Zig Zag Cactus, give it a thorough soaking until water starts coming out of the drainage holes at the bottom of its pot. Allow excess water to drain away completely before placing it back in its usual spot. During colder months or if you live in an area with high humidity, reduce watering frequency to once every two weeks or so. Monitor your plant closely for any signs of underwatering such as wilting or yellowing stems.


Fertilizing your Zig Zag Cactus is an essential part of its care routine. These cacti need proper nourishment to grow and thrive, so it’s crucial to fertilize them regularly.

Find a balanced formula with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and avoid using too much fertilizer as this can harm the plant instead of helping it. It’s best to fertilize your Zig Zag Cactus during the growing season from spring to summer.

Make sure to follow all directions on the bottle carefully to ensure you aren’t causing harm to your cactus. Fertilizer burn can happen quickly, and it can be avoided by following the instructions on the bottle.


Repotting your Zig Zag cactus is something you may only have to do once or twice in the plant’s lifetime. Since this plant grows on other plants, it has a relatively shallow root system and doesn’t tend to get root bound at all. You will need to repot your cactus when it gets so big that the current pot can’t stop the plant from tipping over.

The best time to repot your Zig Zag cactus is in the spring or summer when it is actively growing. Before repotting, make sure that the new pot has enough drainage holes at the bottom and choose a well-draining soil mix. This cactus isn’t too picky about the make-up of the soil, as long as it doesn’t retain too much moisture.

Gently remove your cactus from its current pot by loosening up any tight roots with a fork or tongs. Be careful not to damage any of its stems as they are fragile and prone to breakage.

Once you have removed your cactus from its old container, add some fresh soil mix into the bottom of the new one. Place your plant on top of this layer, making sure that it sits upright without leaning too much in any direction.

Fill in around the sides with more soil until you reach about 1 inch below the rim of the pot. Gently compact down with fingers but do not tamp heavily as this can damage roots – water lightly once complete.

Allow your newly repotted Zig Zag cactus to rest for several days before watering again so that it can recover from transplant shock and adjust to its new environment.

Every year, it’s a good idea to add top-dressing to your cactus, since you won’t be repotting it very often. This involves removing the top two to three inches of soil, and replacing it with fresh, nutrient-rich soil.


Propagating your Zig Zag Cactus is a simple and easy process that can be done at home. The best time to propagate your cactus is during the warmer months when it’s actively growing.

The first step in propagating your cactus is to select a healthy stem or branch that has no signs of damage or disease. Using sharp, sterile pruning shears, cut the stem or branch at a 45-degree angle. Once you have taken the cutting, dip the cut end in rooting hormone, and plant it in well-draining soil. This will prevent rotting and increase the chances of successful propagation.

After planting, water just enough to keep the soil consistently moist, and place in bright but indirect sunlight until new growth appears. Once new growth has emerged, you can treat your newly propagated Zig Zag Cactus like any other mature plant.

Common Cactus Problems

Even with the best care practices, some common issues can arise when caring for a Zig Zag cactus. Here are a few problems that you may encounter:

  1. Root Rot: Overwatering is very common in houseplants, and it can lead to root rot in your cactus. Make sure not to water it too often or leave standing water in the pot. Remember the rule to check the top two inches of soil before watering your plant again. You can also place a small fan pointed at the plant to help soggy soil dry up a little bit.
  2. Pests: Cacti are prone to pests such as mealybugs and spider mites, and although pests are a houseplant owner’s worst nightmare, if you catch it early enough, the problem can be taken care of quickly. Use either soapy water to clean the areas where pests are gathering, or insecticide to get rid of the pests. It’s a good idea to give your plant a root supplement to help them recover from a pest infestation.
  3. Sunburn: Too much direct sunlight on your Zig Zag cactus stems may cause sunburns resulting in brown patches or scars on its surface. Move the plant further away from the light source, and watch it carefully over the next week or so to ensure it’s starting to recover. The burned stems will not turn back to green, so you can prune them off if you wish.
  4. Yellow stems: Yellowing of the Zig Zag cactus stems can be caused by overwatering or underwatering, too much sunlight, pests or diseases. It’s important to identify the issue and take appropriate action to revive your cactus. Either way, your cactus is very capable of regaining its health, so just take care of the root cause, give your cactus some TLC, and it will be on its way back to health.

Of course, there are other issues that may pop up with your cactus, but as long as you fix the problem quickly, your Zig Zag will have no problem recovering.


Q: How often should I water my Zig Zag Cactus?
A: You should only water your Zig Zag Cactus when the top two inches of soil is dry. This can range from every 1-3 weeks depending on the environment and humidity levels.

Q: Can I propagate a Zig Zag Cactus in water?
A: Yes, you can propagate a Zig Zag Cactus by placing cuttings in water until roots form. Once roots have formed, you can transfer them to well-draining soil. Keep a close eye on this form of propagation, and make sure you change the water every 2-3 days.


The Zig Zag Cactus is a unique and fascinating plant that can add character to any home. Its distinctive Zig Zag shape makes it stand out from other cacti, and its easy-to-care-for nature makes it perfect for both novice and experienced houseplant enthusiasts alike. Not only is this cactus one of the most unique cacti, it will create a beautiful focal point in any room you want to put it in.

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