A plant’s pot is its environment, so choosing the right soil is crucial! Each plant prefers a slightly different type of soil, so let’s talk about the best soil for majesty palms.

Soil performs a few different functions for plants. It provides support for the roots so a plant can grow upright, it contains nutrients for the plant to absorb through its roots (though you’ll eventually need to supplement with fertilizer), and soil provides a medium for water retention and drainage.

In the wild, majesty palms grow along river banks in otherwise semi-arid Madagascar, so they do best in a loamy soil that drains well for the perfect balance of water retention, aeration, and drainage.

Let’s talk about soil components and recipes for your majesty palm!

The Best Soil for Majesty Palms

Option #1: Mix your own

To mix the perfect potting mix for your majesty palm from scratch, you’ll need:

1 part sand

1 part loam

2 parts peat moss

In a large bowl, mix your ingredients well. If you use this recipe, make sure to start fertilizing your majesty palm within a few weeks of potting to provide it with nutrients.

Option #2: Easy button

If you don’t want to make your own majesty palm soil from base components, you can also mix a few handfuls of peat moss into succulent or palm soil. Make sure to mix these ingredients very well so you don’t have big pockets of peat, or your soil will retain water and drain unevenly!

How to Pot Your Majesty Palm and Put Your Soil to Work

The most perfect soil in the world won’t do much good if you don’t pot your majesty palm properly! Here’s what to do with your majesty palm soil once you’ve mixed it.

Step 1: Choose the right pot

Even if your soil drains well, your majesty palm’s roots will still be in danger of root rot if your pot doesn’t drain well. A pot with one large hole in the bottom is a great choice. It’s also important that you use a clean pot so you don’t risk transferring bacteria or other pathogens to your majesty palm.

Tip: Make sure to include a drainage tray with feet on the bottom to protect your floor or furniture.

Step 2: Pot your majesty palm

Place a little of your majesty palm soil mix in the bottom of the pot. Gently remove your majesty palm from its container and trim away any rotting roots. Then, place your majesty palm upright in the center of the pot and fill in the space on the side with your potting mix. Add a layer of mix on top of the root ball, but make sure to leave about two inches of space on top.

Step 3: Water thoroughly

Water your palm thoroughly and let it drain. Empty the tray immediately or leave your majesty palm in the sink or tub for an hour or two after watering so the soil can drain completely.

Add more mix on top if the soil settles.

Step 4: Fertilize

In nature, soil contains all kinds of nutrients plants need, but a plant can absorb all the nutrients in its potting mix within a few months. A month or so after potting your majesty palm, start adding Indoor Plant Food to its water to give it a steady supply of nutrients like magnesium, potassium, and nitrogen. Use fertilizer with each watering in the spring, summer, and fall. Taper off in the winter when your palm won’t grow as much or need as many nutrients.

Step 5: Aerate regularly

Over time, your majesty palm’s soil may compact in the pot, which can cause it to absorb water less efficiently. If you notice that the soil doesn’t absorb water as well as it used to, use a chopstick or dowel to gently poke deep holes in the soil.

That’s it! Maintaining healthy soil (and choosing the best soil for majesty palms in the first place) is vital to majesty palm care. Luckily, it’s quite simple!