
Hello, please help me.  I’ve purchased my fiddle leaf fig (Its name is Ruth Bader Figsburg) over 1 month ago and recently its started to get brown spots on the leaves. Here’s some info;

  • PH: 7.5 (I’ve read it should be <6)
  • Moisture level now: 4 out of 10 on my moisture meter
  • It gets lots of indirect sunlight (Initially it was in my room and didn’t get enough, after I saw the brown spots I moved it to a sunnier spot

I’m checking tonight for root rot but I don’t believe thats the issue.  I used old potting soil AND an old pot that I didn’t disinfect.  I’m worried it may be a fungal or bacterial issue.  Please help me.  I love my plant and don’t want to see her die.

Ruth Bader Figsburg Ruth Bader Figsburg Ruth Bader Figsburg Ruth Bader Figsburg Ruth Bader Figsburg Ruth Bader Figsburg Ruth Bader Figsburg Ruth Bader Figsburg Ruth Bader Figsburg