Feel free to check out any of these resources to educate yourself:
- Banko, T. J., & Hong, C. X. (2001). Evaluation of phosphite as an alternative phosphorus nutrient and control for phytophthora disease. Proc. South. Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf., 46, 272-275.
- Burrows, J., & Burrows, S. (2003). Figs of Southern & South-Central Africa (p. 379). Hatfield, South Africa: Umdaus Press.
- Guest, D., & Grant, B. R. (1991). The complex action of phosphonates as antifungal agents. Biol. Rev., 66, 159-187.
- Leymonie, J. P. (2007, September). Phosphites and phosphates: When distributors and growers alike could get confused (pp. 36-41). New AG International.