How To Fix Yellow Leaves On Your Dieffenbachia

Commonly referred to as a dumb cane or tiger lily, the Dieffenbachia is known for its simple, clean stem and variegated leaf design easily incorporated into any home decor. However, many issues can affect this popular and easy-to-grow houseplant, leaving even the most experienced plant growers to notice Dieffenbachia yellow leaves growing unexpectedly.

What Causes Yellow Leaves On A Dieffenbachia?

Insufficient chlorophyll production, scientifically known as chlorosis, is the main cause of your Dieffenbachia yellow leaves. This condition has many different causes, with one or more factors contributing to the yellow look of your once-vibrant houseplant.

Frustrated by the yellowing in your houseplant? Read our detailed guide on Dieffenbachia yellow leaves for the best solutions to its common causes.

Common Causes of Dieffenbachia Yellow Leaves

Watering Irregularities


The native habitat of Dieffenbachia includes the tropical regions of Mexico and southern Argentina. These regions are known for their high humidity levels that help maintain balanced moisture levels that facilitate healthy chlorophyll production.

When these plants don’t get the water needed to sustain their development, they show signs of stress, such as yellowing leaves. Furthermore, underwatering can lead to other problems like wilting, leaf drop, and stunted growth.

Most often, underwatering issues occur in the summer when the active growth cycle requires more frequent watering than in winter. If summer rolls around and your leaves start to yellow, then chances are you need to up the watering routine to twice weekly.

Pro Tip: It’s a good idea to keep a filled watering can by your plants so that you can top up their hydration a bit when you walk past them. A lot of people always intend to get to watering, but it’s easy to forget when life gets busy, or you have a lot of things on your mind.


Just as your Dieffenbachia yellow leaves can be caused by underwatering, it can also be caused by overwatering. Any plant that gets too much water can have its photosynthesis process disrupted, leading to unsustainable chlorophyll production. Overwatering can also lead to root rot, causing further damage to your plant’s overall health.

Overwatering can be a problem in both the summer and winter months. While the plant requires more frequent watering in the summer, be sure to keep it to no more than twice a week and never more than 1 cup of water at a time. In winter, you can half the amount of water for twice weekly dousing or keep to a once-a-week schedule.

The best way to tell if you are overwatering is to check the soil. Dieffenbachia thrives in premium potting soil that is well-draining and moist to the touch but not soggy or drenched. If you find that the topsoil of your plant’s pot feels damp and heavy, it is a sign that you are overwatering.

Poor Soil Conditions

While over- or underwatering can lead to the dry or heavy soil conditions that cause Dieffenbachia yellow leaves, there’s more to soil quality than just hydration levels. Dieffenbachia needs soil rich in nitrogen and with proper aeration.

Because those conditions can be much more challenging to mimic when growing these lush plants in pots at home, alternative soil mixtures that contain a blend of peat moss, perlite, and pine bark can help your Dieffenbachia thrive. If you don’t have those items on hand, a high-quality potting mix rich in organic matter and has good drainage should suffice.

Probiotic Powder

If changing up your soil mixture isn’t changing the leaves from yellow back to their lush variegated color patterns, consider investing in a houseplant probiotic formula. Mixing this formula into the topsoil of your Dieffenbachia every 4 to 6 weeks allows you to enhance the soil biome to create a healthy environment for your plant that mimics the ideal conditions it needs to thrive.

Cold Temperatures

The native regions of the Dieffenbachia have average temperatures of 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit, which is optimal for its growth. When growing a Dieffenbachia below these temperatures, it experiences a slowed metabolic rate, which in turn causes its leaves to turn yellow.

It can be a challenge for plant lovers in colder climates averaging 60 degrees Fahrenheit to maintain these optimum temperatures, but there are some tricks you can use. First, move your plant near a heat source like a radiator or heating vent. Just be sure that the plant is not directly touching the heat source, as this could cause damage to its leaves.

You can also consider investing in an LED grow light that emits heat and provides better support for healthy chlorophyll production. If you don’t have the space to keep larger grow lights, consider a UFO-shaped light positioned above the plant to provide 360-degree coverage.

Lack Of Humidity

When plants from humid regions are kept in dry atmospheric conditions, they lose their ability to absorb moisture and nutrients, which in turn can cause leaves to become yellow. These dryer conditions can also make the leaves brittle and prone to cracking – all things that ruin the natural beauty of your Dieffenbachia.

Fortunately, humidity issues are an easy fix, and depending on your budget, time constraints, or resources, there are several options available. The quickest and most affordable will be frequently misting the plant’s leaves, giving them an instant moisture boost. Be sure that the misting doesn’t oversaturate the soil so that you don’t end up with the common watering issues that lead to the yellowing of leaves.

Other effective solutions include a pebble tray. This device is a shallow tray filled with water and pebbles that the plant sits on top of. As the water evaporates, it creates a humid environment for your Dieffenbachia. Another option is to invest in a humidifier, which can be beneficial not only for your houseplants but also for your own health.

Incorrect Sunlight

Excessive Sunlight

A canopy of trees in the forests of southern Argentina or the lush tropics of Mexico shield the Dieffenbachia from intense, direct sunlight. This setting causes the plant’s variegated color patterns and sleek stem structure.

If Dieffenbachia yellow leaves that are spotty, brittle, and have brown tips, the plant is likely getting too much sunlight. This can occur when placed near a bright window where the sun shines in directly through panes of glass or if your home has an abundance of unshaded windows.

The best solution will be to move the potted plant to an area of the room that receives indirect sunlight. If that’s not possible, you can purchase sheer curtains to filter the light. Alternatively, consider moving your Dieffenbachia outdoors in a shaded area during summer.

Lack of Sunlight

Just because Dieffenbachia doesn’t like a lot of direct or intense sunlight (it can actually do quite well in low-light conditions), that doesn’t mean it can go completely without light. Without adequate light, the leaves can start turning yellow and dropping off. Furthermore, lack of sunlight can diminish its photosynthesis processes, leading to the dreaded chlorosis issues common to this species.

Fortunately, many solutions to this issue won’t require a complete home renovation to include more windows. The first, and likely easiest, is to place your plant under a grow light. These can be purchased at most garden centers or online and are designed specifically for indoor plants.

Another option is to move your Dieffenbachia outside, where it can get a bit of light exposure during the day, but only in a spot that won’t get direct sunlight at any point in the day. Always remember that putting it in a location that gets hyper-exposed to natural light, even if only for an hour or two, can exacerbate yellowing issues in addition to causing leaf burning.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Ideally, the soil conditions mimic its native habitat, where the plant thrives from nutrients obtained by a blend of rainforest soil, leaf litter, and other decaying organic matter. A lack of these nutrient conditions diminish the energy needed for photosynthesis and cellular respiration, creating common growth issues, such as chlorosis, stunted development, and sparse leaves.

It can be challenging to tell if a nutrient issue is the sole cause of yellow leaves, but it may be worth investigating if you also see common signs of deficiencies, such as browning leaf tips, stunted growth, or wilting.

If you have already applied some common steps growers take to ensure proper nutrition, such as nitrogen-rich fertilizers and premium potting soil, consider incorporating a plant multivitamin into your care routine. These specialized formulas are rich in zinc, iron, and boron, all essential nutrients for a plant’s ability to process light and maintain robust growth.

Pro Tip: In addition to a multivitamin, consider adding a root supplement to your plant care routine. These supplements enhance nutrient uptake and encourage root growth, leading to a healthier plant capable of robust chlorophyll production.

Fungal Infections

Every plant is susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections, and Dieffenbachia is no exception. If your plant’s yellowing leaves are accompanied by dark spots, mold, or a fuzzy white coating, it may indicate a fungus issue. In these cases, the first step is quarantining the infected plant to prevent further spread to its vital systems or other plants in your home.

Once isolated, you can treat the infection with an appropriate organic fungicide, following the instructions carefully and reapplying as needed. In addition, make sure your plant is receiving adequate air circulation and proper light balance to prevent an overly humid environment where fungus thrives.

After your plant has healed from the infection, consider incorporating leaf shine wipes or spray into your regular care routine. This solution not only adds a beautiful glossy sheen to your plant’s leaves but also creates a protective layer that can act as a natural barrier against future infections and pests.

Spent Leaves

Dieffenbachia yellow leaves can also indicate natural aging and seasonal changes. As leaves naturally reach the end of their lifespan, they may turn yellow and eventually fall off. This is nothing to be alarmed about, as it is simply part of the plant’s growth process.

While the process of removing spent leaves from the Dieffenbachia is specific to the plant’s state of wellness, the items needed to complete the process are the same as most plants require – pruning shears or a sharp pair of scissors, rubbing alcohol to sterilize your tools, and a clean cloth to wipe down your plant’s leaves after pruning.

How To Remove Yellow Leaves from a Dieffenbachia

When you figure out the cause and solution to your Dieffenbachia yellow leaves and new green growth starts, you might have a few yellow leaves that need removal. Here’s how to remove them in three simple steps:

  1. Sterilize your pruning tools with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Locate the base of the yellow leaf where it connects to the plant’s stem and make a clean, angled cut.
  3. Wipe down the cut area with leaf shine wipes or spray to promote healing and prevent infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long does it take yellow leaves to turn green again?

Once leaves are yellow, they will not turn green again. However, new growth should occur within a few weeks, and the plant’s overall appearance should improve. You can follow the pruning tips above to remove any yellow leaves still attached to the plant to help promote new growth and better nutrient uptake.

  1. Can I use fertilizer to fix yellow leaves on my Dieffenbachia?

Fertilizer can be beneficial in promoting new growth and overall health of your Dieffenbachia, but it may not fix yellow leaves if some other watering or environmental cause is the mitigating factor.

  1. Will the yellow leaves harm my Dieffenbachia?

The yellow leaves aren’t harmful unless they have a pest or fungal infection. However, too many yellow leaves on the plant can affect its ability to photosynthesize and obtain nutrients, leading to stunted growth or even death if left unaddressed. It is essential to regularly check and remove any yellow leaves from your Dieffenbachia to ensure its overall health and longevity.

Rehabilitate Your Houseplants Like A Pro

Whether Dieffenbachia yellow leaves result from overwatering, underwatering, or other environmental factors, seeing your Dieffenbachia looking less than its best can be concerning. But with the helpful tips and tricks in this guide, you’ll be able to stop and repair Dieffenbachia yellow leaves like a pro.

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