At Houseplant Resource Center, we’re big fans of minimalism and sustainability. That’s why we’re so excited to partner with Marianne of My Wasteless Life! Marianne, who started My Wasteless Life, a channel that can be found on nearly every social media platform, originally started her channels as a way to document and share her journey of owning, caring for, and learning about plants, and also as a way to advocate for living a more sustainable lifestyle.

At Houseplant Resource Center, we’re so excited about our collaboration with Marianne of My Wasteless Life!

Her biggest goal is to help other people learn how to take care of a variety of plants, and help them enjoy taking care of those plants. It’s so easy to become discouraged as a new plant parent when one of your favorite plants dies, but Marianne strives to relate to her audience and educate plant parents on how to make plant care easier, and let them know it’s okay when plant ownership doesn’t go the exact way you had planned.

More About My Wasteless Life

Incorporating sustainability into her content is another important part of her business that Marianne is passionate about. Teaching other people how to make more sustainable choices in their everyday lives will help the world as a whole, and Marianne is doing an amazing job at spreading that knowledge to her audience.

Marianne’s favorite houseplant is the Pothos plant because it is a versatile plant that is relatively easy to care for. She also has several Ficus and Monstera plants in her collection. Each of these plants are fairly easy to care for and are great for beginner houseplant owners.

She has done an exceptional job building a strong community in the houseplant and lifestyle niches in all of her social media channels, and has grown as a content creator, creative professional, and business owner throughout her journey. We are excited to see even more personal and professional growth from her as her audience base grows.

At Houseplant Resource Center, we’re so excited about our collaboration with Marianne of My Wasteless Life!

Something extremely admirable about Marianne is that she isn’t afraid to share houseplant mistakes. Every houseplant owner is bound to make a few mistakes here and there, and she knows how important it is to get advice and comfort when things don’t go right. She makes sure to keep her channel feeling fun and welcoming to plant lovers of all ages, skill levels, and experience levels so no one feels insecure about having houseplants and taking care of them.

You can find Marianne on nearly every social media channel. Find her on:






Be sure to check out her recent Instagram Unboxing Post!