Ready to add this unique plant to your houseplant collection? We thought so. But where do you buy a Rose of Jericho?

The Rose of Jericho is one of the most fascinating houseplants out there. It’s incredibly easy to care for because it can dry out completely and come back to life (hence the nickname “resurrection plant”!) with just a short soak in water.

Take a look:


A Rose (of Jericho) by Any Other Name…

First of all, when we say “Rose of Jericho,” we could be referring to two different plants, both called resurrection plants. This nickname could also refer to about 130 other plants with the ability to dry out and come back to life, though they belong to different families and won’t find their way into many nurseries.

In this article (and on this site), we mainly talk about two forms of the Rose of Jericho/resurrection plant: 

First, there’s Anastatica heirochuntica (also called the true Rose of Jericho). 

Coming from northeast Africa and the Middle East (i.e., Jericho), this plant is really hard to find and also considered less attractive.

Ready to add this unique plant to your houseplant collection? We thought so. But where do you buy a rose of Jericho online?

This plant grows little white flowers when fully hydrated, but it must actually root in soil to revive. It’s the only plant in the Anastatica genus and is a member of the mustard family. 

Second, there’s Selaginella lepidophylla (also called the false Rose of Jericho or dinosaur plant).

Like the true Rose of Jericho, this plant also dries up completely and blows around until it finds a puddle where it can get a drink and revive itself. Instead of northeast Africa and the Middle East, the false Rose of Jericho comes from the Chihuahuan desert of Mexico, New Mexico, and Arizona.

This plant is much easier to find than the true Rose of Jericho, which is fine by us because it’s also a lot more affordable, attractive, and easy to care for. (Check out our guide to Rose of Jericho care here.) Unlike the true Rose of Jericho, the false Rose of Jericho can revive whether its roots are planted or not. All it needs is water! 

Ready to add this unique plant to your houseplant collection? We thought so. But where do you buy a rose of Jericho online?

Selaginella lepidophylla, the one we talk about most around here, is actually a spike moss! Isn’t it cool how two completely different plants have evolved with such similar adaptations? 

How to Buy a Rose of Jericho

Okay, back to the question of where to find a Rose of Jericho to purchase. Luckily, false Rose of Jericho is fairly easy to find because it’s so easy to store and requires no care when in storage.

Check out the following options:

Note: Make sure the label says Selaginella lepidophylla if that’s what you’re looking for.

If you’ve got your heart set on a true Rose of Jericho, you’ll have better luck finding one online from Etsy or an online nursery.

Note: Make sure “Anastatica heirochuntica” is specified to ensure you’re getting the correct plant. If possible, check ratings and reviews from other customers to make sure the company has a good reputation and is selling the plant they claim to sell.

Display Your Rose of Jericho

Providing spontaneous beauty with a rich history, Rose of Jericho is an eye-catching centerpiece and a great conversation-starter. Here are some fun tips for displaying your Rose of Jericho:

  • With such a cool plant, you want to maximize its impact: switch out your bowls and dishes! Here are some suggestions to get you started, but the possibilities are nearly endless:
  • Clear
  • White ceramic
  • Black ceramic
  • Wooden

See what you like best. You can even switch them out to match the seasons or your holiday decor!

  • Make it a seasonal treat. Many Christians revive their Rose of Jericho around Christmas and Easter as a symbolic decoration. This would also be a fun way to celebrate the coming of spring!
  • Kids LOVE watching this plant come back to life! Make reviving and caring for this plant a family affair.

Rose of Jericho is the perfect plant for the plant-phobic or anyone who wants to add a little novelty to their houseplant collection. It’s by far one of the easiest plants to care for and is easy to put away if you happen to move or don’t want to display your plant all the time.

ANYONE can care for this plant, so if you’ve been nervous about dipping your toes in the world of indoor plants, give this one a try!

More Helpful Houseplant Resources: 

Houseplants for Millennials Book 

Houseplants for Beginners Webinar

Houseplant Resource Center Facebook Community